

Blog Posts about Google

Get Results in Google

  • Do you want to Rank Well in Google and you're based in Brisbane? You need Brisbane SEO help.
  • Do you want to run Ads in Google? You will get more from your investment by using an expert Google Ads Manager.

Digital Marketing

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Articles about Google

May 14, 2018
The GDPR is Coming!

The Australian Government OAIC (Office of Australian Information Commissioner) has guidance (2019 from for Australian businesses in relation to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The guidelines state, that any […]

March 30, 2018
What Google's Mobile First Index Means for Your SEO Campaign

Google is going through a metamorphosis just like its internet users. As people have moved from using desktop PCs to smartphones and tablets while sitting in a café sipping a latte, […]

March 27, 2018
Google AdWords Changes: Ticket Reseller Certifications

Google continues with the company’s efforts to create a better platform for its advertisers. After the thorough changes to YouTube – and the controversies caused by the changes – Google turned […]

March 23, 2018
Duplicate Content - The Consequences, How to Avoid it, and How to Fix it

Duplicate content is often widely misunderstood among SEO practitioners; it is either a cause of considerable concern or ignored completely. Essentially, duplicate content is a piece of content that could be […]

March 13, 2018
What are YouTube SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Know

You may find this hard to believe, but YouTube is the second biggest search engine right behind Google, and we all know that is saying something important. Every minute, there are […]

March 6, 2018
SEO Mistakes That Could Result in a Google Penalty

The goal of SEO is to raise a website’s profile and prominence in search engine results. To do this, businesses need to understand how search engines work and how they rank […]

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