
Author: Sam Fields

October 13, 2016
Woah! Google is now charging Australians GST!

Google announced that as of 1 November 2016, the company will be charging Australian customers 10% GST as they “will be bound by the terms of the contract and will be […]

August 31, 2016
Will This Be The Death of Interstitial and Pop Up Ads?

The ever benevolent Google has just released that, on top of rewarding mobile optimised websites, it will penalise websites that use annoying pop up and interstitial ads. Praise be to Googs. […]

June 23, 2016
My Google Shopping Experience With Neto

In 2016 Sam wrote a first hand story about helping a Brisbane based Google Ad Management client with a Neto site get set-up in Google Shopping, now called Google Merchant Centre... […]
