

December 20, 2016
The rise of long-form content and what that means for your business

Matter Solutions previously wrote about “how many blog posts should I write for my business”, analysing several HubSpot studies and looking at how much time is dedicated to writing the blog […]

December 19, 2016
Braintree vs Stripe - which one should my business use?

If you have an online store or an app, chances are you’ll need to integrate some form of payment system. You’ll probably be considering two of the more popular options, Braintree […]

December 16, 2016
Should I manage my own WordPress website once it's built?

Your businesses website is all built, it’s up and running, all the hard work is over right? It’s not as easy as that. If you’re considering building a website with WordPress, […]

December 15, 2016
6 Things AdWords Noobs Do That Suck

The dichotomy of Google is that they want you to succeed, but they also want your money. It makes sense, if you’re successful then you will continue to spend money on […]

December 14, 2016
Why blogging is so damn hard and tips on how to get it done

Here are some reasons why businesses find blogging so difficult, and what you can do about it: Blogging is a great thing any business can do for their website. B2B companies […]

December 13, 2016
5 ways to ruin your WordPress website

When you’re a newbie, or someone who’s not that tech savvy and a bit out of their depth, it can be easy to do something wrong on WordPress. You don’t even […]

December 12, 2016
How does WordPress compare to Drupal?

When you’re going to build a website, you have to consider what platform you’re going to use. There are various options out there, with the big two options being WordPress or […]

December 9, 2016
Google My Business testing new feature

Google My Business has posted that it is testing out a brand new feature. This feature will allow businesses to directly chat with customers and answer their questions. Google has sent […]

December 8, 2016
Facebook Ads VS Twitter Ads - which one should you use?

Advertising through social media is almost unavoidable in today’s digital environment. But for businesses who may be more budget conscious, there is a choice to be made over which social media […]

December 7, 2016
How does WordPress compare to Squarespace and Wix?

So you’re considering designing your own website, but you’re not sure what platform to use. There are a few good options for those who aren’t web developers or programmers. These include […]

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