August 31, 2013

Choosing a Good Domain Name

Published: 31 August 2013 

Domain Name - Make It Count

A good domain name is best when the name is short, sharp and simple.  Domains that are difficult to spell or understand can be a real burden when trying to explain your URL over the phone.

Figuring out your domain name is a first step in establishing a business because a domain name and the business name are usually a close match if not exact.

Exact/Partial Match Domains - Once upon a time, Google SEO ranked your website high if your domain name reflected your service or product with either an exact match or partial match.  However, since the release of new updates from Google, some sites dropped in page rankings even though the owners claimed the sites were legitimate.

Contact us today or phone us on (07) 3117 2300 about choosing a domain name that both reflects your branding and suits SEO purposes. Our team is here to help.

Tag: Domains

Ben Maden

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