August 6, 2012

Inbox Zero - Carmel's first ever blog post

Published: 6 August 2012 

My name is Carmel and I do the Admin and Billing for Matter Solutions. My main role is credit control plus lots of other tasks. It is a very rewarding job knowing that we're working to make sure our client’s websites are busy and effective.

Well this is my first ever blog post. I’ve been asked to write one, so here it goes...

How is your inbox?

I always seemed to struggle with my email, there were always so many things to look at, then I got a great bit of advice. Ben told us to watch the video inbox Zero has really helped me to work through my inbox and get it down to (nearly) zero, literally!

Although it is an hour long video the idea really works. The main bit you really need to take away is that every email can be dealt with through 5 actions:

  1. Delete (Archive in Google Apps)
  2. Delegate – Can someone else do this?
  3. Respond – If you can do so in 5 lines or less
  4. Defer – Put it on a todo list (not in email. We use Basecamp or Capsule CRM)
  5. Do – Do it

Have a great week & Good luck getting your inbox down to zero!

Please tell me (in the comments) what you think about my first ever blog post.

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben

3 comments on “Inbox Zero - Carmel's first ever blog post”

  1. Nice post Carmen 🙂
    Yeah Merlin Mann is great with his Getting Things Done and 83 Folders work. Inbox Zero, when we get there, is so rewarding!

    Looking forward to your next post 🙂

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