Twitter is the perfect marketing tool for companies that want to engage with their customers and improve their brand awareness. You can brand or re-brand your company fairly quickly using Twitter […]
At Matter Solutions, we only help clients post on Social Media as part of a comprehensive Digital Marketing campaign or as an add-on to an advanced SEO Campaign. If clients only need Social Media posting we have VA's and dedicated Social Media Only agencies who we can refer to.
Having said that we do often run Advertising Campaigns in Facebook especially. These can be very simple, just retargeting past visitors using the "facebook pixel" or they can be an advanced lead generation campaign.
Given our background in SEO, Websites and Google Ads we've been able to help all our clients who advertise on Facebook with their KPIs. Having clear metrics is essential for success through reliably making the right decisions.
Twitter is the perfect marketing tool for companies that want to engage with their customers and improve their brand awareness. You can brand or re-brand your company fairly quickly using Twitter […]
LinkedIn changed the design of their company pages - and we love it! The new page is more visual and makes it easier for users to access your company information including […]
The issue of cyber-bullying and internet ‘trolling’ is currently a hot discussion topic online and in the media. A troll is: “someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online […]
A smart advertising campaign includes both Facebook advertising and Google AdWords. Facebook: An interesting post was published recently about the positive effect that Facebook ads have beyond clicks. It suggests that […]
If you are planning to promote or sell your product online, there is nothing better than a viral video attracting high quality traffic that ultimately converts to sales. However, it’s not […]
Social Media in essence is about making and maintaining connections.To do it well, you have to use it regularly. Trying to frequently update your blog(s), Facebook account, and LinkedIn account whilst […]