September 25, 2013

Social Media For Your Business Without The BS - Part 2

Published: 25 September 2013 

Choosing the Right Social Media For Your Business

It's a common problem in social media marketing that a person is focusing in the wrong areas. Are you wondering why your reach is so low and you can't get any likers or followers? It's probably because your customers aren't where you're marketing.

It’s almost always Facebook. So many managers and bosses look at Facebook as a huge cost to them when they catch their staff using it on company time. This has the effect of painting Facebook into this huge villain and causes shot callers to overlook the benefits of using it. That staff member that uses Facebook on company time could maybe be turned into your social media person and make you some money. Facebook is almost always the first thing you should be doing except in circumstances where you have very few clients/customers (three jobs a year construction businesses etc.) at the basic consumer level. In this case Facebook is probably less useful than LinkedIn or Twitter, platforms that can be leveraged in a better way for grassroots networking and client relationship building. Using Twitter or LinkedIn to keep in touch with and interract with your existing clients and identifying potential new clients is probably for you.

In high consumer niches you’ll probably want them all. In highly visual niches a Pinterest and Instagram account are also necessary, so you can display your work in a sophisticated way but neither are extremely useful for B2C at this stage. Make sure you’re using the right systems for your business so you aren’t wasting your time.


Part 3 - Getting Likers and Followers For Your Business Page


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Ben Maden

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