April 23, 2013

Turns Out Pinterest and Link Building Go Hand in Hand

Published: 23 April 2013 

I'm going to admit that I had never used Pinterest before joining Matter Solutions. The idea of 'pinning' images and 'repinning' images that you like still kind of baffles me but I have found some really great value in it for SEO purposes. Link building.

The other day I was working on a clients profile who is a really well known and respected interior designer. I decided to search them in Pinterest to see what comes up, but what I noticed was that I was being shown a page full of pinned images from other people.


When I looked into these images further, I noticed that the blurb section of the images included my clients brand. So here I am like 'I wish I knew where they came from, and where they got these images from'. Then I found this magical button.


This button leads to the host website where the image is from. Hazzah! This creates the perfect way to find web masters who are genuinely interested in potential outreach link building and it is a great way to open the conversation with 'Hi, I follow you on Pinterest and I noticed that you included an image of ...'

The only problem with using Pinterest for link building purposes is that it's industry specific. For obvious reasons, it can be difficult to use it for industries such as business, finance etc. But for those who are in design, architecture or even food, it can prove to be a very useful tool.

This technique has proven to be so awesome that I have experienced some pretty great results. From one of the sites that I outreached to, which is a very strong site, they have not only agreed to host content on their blog BUT also mentioned that they would be very interested in interviewing my client for a 'Q&A Feature'.  So give it a go and see for yourself how useful Pinterest is beyond it's social medium barriers.

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben

2 comments on “Turns Out Pinterest and Link Building Go Hand in Hand”

  1. Top post, had to switch to the new version of Pinterest to see what you were seeing and more importantly the inclusion of the 'magic button'.

    I reckon 9/10 times the link will already be on page the image has come from but if not you have a great opening line like you say.

    P.s The internal link in the outreach post is broken.

  2. Hey Johnny,

    Thanks for your feedback. Well what I actually noticed was that the majority of images or comments of my clients brand weren't all linked on the host websites.

    Regardless if they are linked or not, if the site has a blog, it's an easy way to approach the web master and name drop who you work for and offer to write them something. It's just a really good way to break the ice.

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