
Tag: LinkedIn

February 9, 2017
Why You Should Cull Your Contacts on LinkedIn

For some people on LinkedIn, it’s all about getting the most amount of followers possible. Just think about the amount of people who have added you on LinkedIn and have “500+” […]

September 25, 2013
Social Media For Your Business Without The BS - Part 3

Getting Likers and Followers For Your Business Page There are tricks to going about doing this and it varies from platform to platform but on Facebook, the number one social media, […]

November 15, 2012
It pays to be Social - Maximise your Network on LinkedIn

There are over 2,200,000 LinkedIn users in Australia using the channel on average 5 times a week. This means that nearly 10% of the Australian population is building profiles and making […]

October 12, 2012
New LinkedIn Company Page Design

LinkedIn changed the design of their company pages - and we love it! The new page is more visual and makes it easier for users to access your company information including […]
