January 13, 2017

Six technical SEO strategies anyone can do

Published: 13 January 2017 

seo sem search engine optimization google business marketing

Search engine optimisation (SEO) uses technical strategies to increase the amount of visitors to a website by getting a high ranking placement in search result pages of search engines such as Google. This can all sound pretty technical to those who run businesses - that’s why they hire agencies.

There are lots of strategies that might be confusing to those who don’t specialise in SEO. However, there are a few simple things anyone can do:

1. Well Written Content

Make sure to not only produce content, but to make sure it’s well written. Double check the content for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Nothing is worse than producing professional content that’s full of spelling errors. Who is going to take you seriously? Check that your paragraphs make sense and are in some chronological order. This will greatly improve your blog’s SEO.

2. Recycle


Recycling is good for the environment, but in this instance we’re referring to your content. Did you write something good a year ago? Check out your old content, update it and send it out again. Evergreen content - or content that continually stays fresh and relevant - can be used again and again. Google’s algorithms take into account the newness of an article. If the content is still relevant but it’s now an old article, it makes no sense for it not to be on Google’s first page. In fact, according to Backlinko, recycling your old content could lead to a 111.37% increase in organic traffic. With an increase of traffic that high, there’s really no excuse not to update old, relevant content.

3. Page loading times


You know when you go into a website, and you have to stare at that blank white screen for a few seconds while the website loads? Sometimes that’s not just due to Australia’s slow internet speeds. The way a website is set up and run can also have a drastic impact in response times. If you’ve designed a website on WordPress, there are simple steps you can take to increasing your page’s response time. If you’re worried about your website, head to Google’s PageSpeed Insights, which will analyse the content of your web page and generate suggestions which will help you make the page faster.

4. Share your content


There’s no point in creating content if it’s just going to sit there and not be shared. Social media is a free and easy way for anyone to promote their content. Post the link in as many places possible - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram - wherever! The more places you post the link, the more hits the piece will receive.

5. Headings

Whatever Google says, goes, and that includes the formatting of your content too. Google loves it when you format your blog posts correctly. This includes using headings in the biggest font, and sub headings in the next size down. Make sure you’re also using relevant topics for your headings, and use keywords in your subheadings. This will help when Google scans your blog for the relevant topics.

6. Include multimedia content

Content is far more interesting when it’s got photos to break up that big block of text, right? Search engines know that’s what people prefer, and will reward those who produce content with multimedia content. So make sure to include photos or even videos throughout your posts to make them more interesting.

These are some tips that even the least tech savvy person should easily be able to implement. Use these tips on your blog and you’ll see your SEO greatly improve.

If you need help from a Brisbane based SEO drop us a line. Use the button below to book a call back from a Brisbane based SEO Specialist.

Tag: seo

Ben Maden

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