
Panther Protect

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The website needed to be informative, with clear information about each product.

The previous website was looking dated, old and was doing more harm than good. It was clear from the get-go that a lot of work needed to be done. Fortunately for Panther Protect, we're a company passionate about functional and aesthetically stimulating websites, meaning we were more than excited about the prospect of rolling up our sleeves and getting to work.

Panther Protect had one clear direction; to display their products in an engaging and professional manner to optimise their capacity for conversions. Our goal then became a balance of prioritizing our client's desire as well as employing our comprehensive web design approach to execute and deliver. The brand's key products and details needed to be easy to find to enable customers with the power to make informed decisions about options available and what best suited their needs.

Technologies Used

We used a range of technologies to build a high quality, professional website with the desired functionalities.179


Content Management System177


Javascript Task Runner178


CSS Pre-processing180


Multiple Content Types for WordPress871

Adobe Photoshop

Professional Design Software872


Scalable Vector Graphicsone

The Result?

An instantly engaging, visually stimulating and interactive website. The new design is both professional and bold, with block-colours and vibrant imagery. The key features about their range of products are highlighted immediately and clearly on the home page, allowing users the ability to quickly and easily click through and view specific product ranges.


Clear navigation and content hierarchy is imperative for a website of this nature, so this is where we focused our efforts.

The previous website wasn’t mobile friendly – big mistake. By avoiding the vast expanse of mobile devices, you’re avoiding the vast audience it affords. Recognizing the importance of this, we made sure we implemented a mobile-first, responsive design, with a lean code base that resulted in a fast page-load time. Now Panther Protect boasts a highly technical website for both mobile devices and desktop. This not only equipped Panther Protect with a mobile version of their website but further increased their visibility in Google.


To aid users in finding their nearest dealer, we implemented a sticky bar at the bottom of the home page screen on larger devices. We used the same technology throughout the website in different visual styles to ensure the experience remained consistent. Each dealer has their own page on the website displaying their contact information, a map of the location and an enquiry form to encourage quick contact. All steps that were taken to optimise for conversions.


We designed the product pages themselves to be flexible, to accommodate the different types of products and above all, visually display different options and features. Included throughout the product pages is a context menu that follows the user down the page allowing the user to see where they are on the page and letting them navigate between features easily.


The Strategy

As Panther Protect are a supplier, their on page strategy is slightly different. The leads and conversions for the brand Panther Protect are nice although the desire is to have these leads directed towards the individual dealers because they are the ones who will obtain the sale.

Dealer Pages

Panther Protect are the supplier to hundreds of dealers all around the country, so it was important to track users’ interactions with the dealers. The forms available for the user are all being tracked using Google Tag Manager and output to the page URL, so we are able to report on the most popular dealers.

The functionality of being directed to submissions to the dealer page was something that the previous website lacked and something that was critical for the new website. Working closely with the web team, we were able to develop the necessary information architecture to ensure the website worked in SEO best practice.

The annotated graph above shows the rankings of the keywords within the top 20.

Before Go Live

In the month of August, 2015 (A) the SEO budget was reduced to focus on the website going live. With some of the budget still allocated towards SEO, we were able to maintain the rankings until the entire SEO budget was shifted into the website’s launch (B). With unforeseen issues delaying the website’s launch we weren’t able to launch until early April (C).

After Go Live

Since the website’s launch, we have been able to focus on Link Building, Keyword Research, Onsite Optimisation as well as other factors of the SEO strategy that we weren’t able to do in the previous months. Combined with a better website, we have since seen the rankings grow from strength to strength within the top 20 as well as a lot of deeper ranking keywords significantly improving.


Unfortunately, the previous website didn’t have the correct version of Google Analytics running, so we cannot compare the data of the new website to that of the old. Since the launch of the new website, we have seen a steady increase in Organic Traffic (as well as All Traffic) with an overall bounce rate of less than 40%. This combined with the conversion data we are tracking will provide us with a clear picture of the user’s interactions within the website and we can adjust our On Page SEO Strategy accordingly.

Do you need help like Panther Protect?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

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