
Parental Stress Centre


Meet Jackie Hall



Jackie is a mum, an author, a cousellor and a keynote speaker who founded Parental Stress Centre as an online resource for overworked, over-stressed mums and dads who were just looking for a way to curb their frustrations. With such an important mission statement, Jackie and Parental Stress Centre needed a great website to help them achieve their goals, and came to us to get the job done.


Like so many others in this day and age, Parental Stress Centre needed a few key things from their fresh new site: it had to be mobile friendly, provide a great user experience, be speedy and be easily navigable.

To start with, we redesigned the site to be warmer, more supportive, and less clinical in the presentation and feel. Parental Stress Centre aims to help as many parents as possible, so we wanted to encourage people to stay, become invested in the site and really explore the great information it had to offer for new or struggling parents.

We worked with Jackie in copywriting for the Program pages, providing structural recommendations and updates for the technical content and presentation aspects of those pages. Together we aligned Jackie's emotional, relatable content that really engages people with the technical Program outlines, which clearly presents the value and aspects covered for each of the Programs on offer.

Through data tracking of the Program page conversions, we found that people were scared off by content that was purely cold and a clinical presentation the facts, requiring a balance of Jackie's relatable, emotional content to connect and engage successfully in the Program pages.

The Result

We focused on the user experience as a central part of the design process, and made sure it was easy and intuitive to get from A-to-B on the site. The site was designed on an already defined backend so that users could log in to access the programs they were signed up for.

We used a modular interface when designing the site, which makes it highly customisable. Jackie can tweak and play with the layout of the Program pages to her heart's content, making sure they display the information in the way she feels is best. By doing so, we didn't just make Parental Stress Centre a great site, but we made a site that they could feel was really theirs and that they had real control over as well.

You can check out Parental Stress Centre’s new site here. Jackie provides great resources through her articles and blog, alongside the fantastic series of paid Programs offering Live or Self-paced options for many of the Programs.

Do you need help like Parental Stress Centre?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

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